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Office Publisher 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts
In the Help window
F1 Open the Help window.
ALT+F4 Close the Help window
ALT+TAB Switch between the Help window and the active program.
ALT+HOME Go back to Program Name Home.
TAB Select the next item in the Help window.
SHIFT+TAB Select the previous item in the Help window.
ENTER Perform the action for the selected item.
TAB or SHIFT+TAB In the Browse Program Name Help section of the Help window. select the next or previous item. respectively.
ENTER In the Browse Program Name Help section of the Help window. expand or collapse the selected item. respectively.
TAB Select the next hidden text or hyperlink. including Show All or Hide All at the top of a topic.
SHIFT+TAB Select the previous hidden text or hyperlink.
ENTER Perform the action for the selected Show All. Hide All. hidden text. or hyperlink.
ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACE Move back to the previous Help topic (Back button).
ALT+RIGHT ARROW Move forward to the next Help topic (Forward button).
UP ARROW. DOWN ARROW Scroll small amounts up or down. respectively. within the currently displayed Help topic.
PAGE UP. PAGE DOWN Scroll larger amounts up or down. respectively. within the currently displayed Help topic.
ALT+U Change whether the Help window appears connected to (tiled) or separate from (untiled) the active program.
SHIFT+F10 Display a menu of commands for the Help window. This requires that the Help window have the active focus (click in the Help window).
ESC Stop the last action (Stop button).
F5 Refresh the window (Refresh button).
CTRL+P Print the current Help topic.
F6. and then click DOWN ARROW Change the connection state.
F6. and then click DOWN ARROW Type text in the Type words to search for box.
F6 Switch among areas in the Help window. for example. switch between the toolbar. Type words to search for box. and Search list.
UP ARROW. DOWN ARROW In a Table of Contents in tree view. select the next or previous item. respectively.
LEFT ARROW. RIGHT ARROW In a Table of Contents in tree view. expand or collapse the selected item. respectively.
F9 Switch between the current view and the actual size.
CTRL+SHIFT+L Zoom to full page view.
Display and use windows
ALT+TAB Switch to the next window.
ALT+SHIFT+TAB Switch to the previous window.
CTRL+W or CTRL+F4 Close the active window.
CTRL+F5 Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it.
F6 Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window (clockwise direction). You may need to press F6 more than once.
SHIFT+F6 Move to a pane from another pane in the program window (counterclockwise direction).
CTRL+F6 When more than one window is open. switch to the next window.
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Switch to the previous window.
CTRL+F7 When a document window is not maximized. perform the Move command (on the Control menu for the window). Use the arrow keys to move the window. and. when finished. press ESC.
CTRL+F8 When a document window is not maximized. perform the Size command (on the Control menu for the window). Press the arrow keys to resize the window. and. when finished. press ESC.
CTRL+F9 Minimize a window to an icon (works for only some Microsoft Office programs).
CTRL+F10 Maximize or restore a selected window.
PRINT SCREEN Copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard.
ALT+PRINT SCREEN Copy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard.
Change or resize the font
CTRL+SHIFT+F Change the font
CTRL+SHIFT+P Change the font size
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase the font size of the selected text
CTRL+SHIFT+< Decrease the font size of the selected text
Move around in text or cells
LEFT ARROW Move one character to the left.
RIGHT ARROW Move one character to the right.
UP ARROW Move one line up.
DOWN ARROW Move one line down.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move one word to the left.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move one word to the right.
END Move to the end of a line.
HOME Move to the beginning of a line.
CTRL+UP ARROW Move up one paragraph.
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move down one paragraph.
CTRL+END Move to the end of a text box.
CTRL+HOME Move to the beginning of a text box.
SHIFT+F4 Repeat the last Find action.
Move around in and work in tables
TAB Move to the next cell.
SHIFT+TAB Move to the preceding cell.
DOWN ARROW Move to the next row.
UP ARROW Move to the preceding row.
CTRL+TAB Insert a tab in a cell.
ENTER Start a new paragraph.
TAB at the end of the last row Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Access and use task panes
F6 Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window. (You may need to press F6 more than once.)
CTRL+TAB When a menu or toolbar is active. move to a task pane. (You may need to press CTRL+TAB more than once.)
TAB or SHIFT+TAB When a task pane is active. select the next or previous option in the task pane.
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Display the full set of commands on the task pane menu.
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW Move among choices on a selected submenu. move among certain options in a group of options in a dialog box.
SPACEBAR or ENTER Open the selected menu. or perform the action assigned to the selected button.
SHIFT+F10 Open a shortcut menu. open a drop-down menu for the selected gallery item.
HOME or END When a menu or submenu is visible. select the first or last command on the menu or submenu.
PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN Scroll up or down in the selected gallery list.
CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END Move to the top or bottom of the selected gallery list.
ALT+Click Open the Research task pane.
Access and use smart tags
ALT+SHIFT+F10 Display the menu or message for a smart tag. If more than one smart tag is present. switch to the next smart tag and display its menu or message.
DOWN ARROW Select the next item on a smart tag menu.
UP ARROW Select the previous item on a smart tag menu.
ENTER Perform the action for the selected item on a smart tag menu.
ESC Close the smart tag menu or message.
Use dialog boxes
TAB Move to the next option or option group.
SHIFT+TAB Move to the previous option or option group.
CTRL+TAB Switch to the next tab in a dialog box.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box.
Arrow keys Move between options in an open drop-down list. or between options in a group of options.
SPACEBAR Perform the action assigned to the selected button. select or clear the selected check box.
First letter of an option in a drop-down list Open the list if it is closed and move to that option in the list.
ALT+ the letter underlined in an option Select an option. select or clear a check box.
ALT+DOWN ARROW Open a selected drop-down list.
ESC Close a selected drop-down list. cancel a command and close a dialog box.
ENTER Perform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box.
Use edit boxes within dialog boxes
HOME Move to the beginning of the entry.
END Move to the end of the entry.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW Move one character to the left or right.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move one word to the left.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move one word to the right.
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or cancel selection one character to the left.
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or cancel selection one character to the right.
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or cancel selection one word to the left.
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or cancel selection one word to the right.
SHIFT+HOME Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry.
SHIFT+END Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry.
Use the Open Publication and Save As dialog boxes
ALT+1 Go to the previous folder.
ALT+2 Up One Level button: open the folder up one level above the open folder.
ALT+3 Search the Web button: close the dialog box and open your Web search page
ALT+3 Delete button: delete the selected folder or file.
ALT+4 Create New Folder button: create a new folder.
ALT+5 Views button: switch among available folder views.
ALT+L Tools button: show the Tools menu.
SHIFT+F10 Display a shortcut menu for a selected item such as a folder or file.
TAB Move between options or areas in the dialog box.
F4 or ALT+I Open the Look in list.
F5 Refresh the file list.
Create, open, close a publication
CTRL+N Open a new instance of Publisher.
CTRL+O Display the Open Publication dialog box.
CTRL+F4 or CTRL+W Close the current publication.
CTRL+S Display the Save As dialog box.
Edit or format text
F3 or CTRL+F or SHIFT+F4 Display the Find and Replace task pane. with the Find option selected under Find or Replace. These keyboard shortcuts might not work if another task pane is already open. This keyboard shortcut does work in Web Page Preview.
CTRL+H Display the Find and Replace task pane. with the Replace option selected under Find or Replace. These keyboard shortcuts might not work if another task pane is already open.
F7 Check spelling.
SHIFT+F7 Display the Research task pane to find synonyms.
Hold down ALT and click a word Display the Research task pane to perform a query.
CTRL+A Select all the text. If the cursor is in a text box. this keyboard shortcut selects all text in the current story. If the cursor is not in any text box. this keyboard shortcut selects all the objects on a page.
CTRL+B Make text bold.
CTRL+I Italicize text.
CTRL+U Underline text.
CTRL+SHIFT+K Make text small capital letters. or return small capital letters to upper and lower case.
CTRL+SHIFT+S Select the Style box on the Formatting toolbar.
CTRL+SHIFT+F Select the Font box on the Formatting toolbar.
CTRL+SHIFT+P Select the Font Size box on the Formatting toolbar.
CTRL+SHIFT+C Copy formatting.
CTRL+SHIFT+V Paste formatting.
CTRL+SHIFT+Y Turn Special Characters on or off.
CTRL+SPACEBAR Return character formatting to the current text style.
CTRL+= Apply or remove subscript formatting.
CTRL+SHIFT+= Apply or remove superscript formatting.
CTRL+SHIFT+] Increase space between letters in a word (kerning).
CTRL+SHIFT+[ Decrease space between letters in a word (kerning).
CTRL+] Increase font size by 1.0 point.
CTRL+[ Decrease font size by 1.0 point.
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase to the next size in the Font Size box.
CTRL+SHIFT+< Decrease to the next size in the Font Size box.
CTRL+E Set center alignment for a paragraph.
CTRL+L Set left alignment for a paragraph.
CTRL+R Set right alignment for a paragraph.
CTRL+J Set justified alignment for a paragraph.
CTRL+SHIFT+D Set distributed alignment for a paragraph.
CTRL+SHIFT+J Set newspaper alignment for a paragraph (East Asian languages only).
CTRL+SHIFT+H Display the Hyphenation dialog box. This keyboard shortcut does not work for Web pages.
ALT+SHIFT+T Insert the current time.
ALT+SHIFT+D Insert the current date.
ALT+SHIFT+P Insert the current page number.
CTRL+SHIFT+0 (zero) Insert a zero-width non-breaking space.
CTRL+1 Set the current paragraph to single spacing.
CTRL+2 Set the current paragraph to double spacing.
CTRL+5 Set the current paragraph to 1.5-line spacing.
Copy text formats
CTRL+SHIFT+C Copy formatting from text.
CTRL+SHIFT+V Apply copied formatting to text.
Copy, cut, paste or delete text or objects
CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT Copy the selected text or object.
CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE Cut the selected text or object.
CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT Paste text or an object.
DELETE or CTRL+SHIFT+X Delete the selected object.
Undo or redo an action
CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACE Undo the last action.
CTRL+Y or F4 Redo the last action.
Nudge an object
Arrow keys Nudge a selected object up. down. left. or right.
ALT+arrow keys If the selected object has a cursor in its text. nudge the selected object up. down. left. or right.
Layer objects
ALT+F6 Bring object to front.
ALT+SHIFT+F6 Send object to back.
Snap objects
CTRL+SHIFT+W Turn Snap to Guides on or off.
F10. SHIFT+R. SHIFT+S. SHIFT+M Turn Snap to Guides on or off
F10. SHIFT+R. SHIFT+S. SHIFT+O Turn Snap to Guides on or off
Select or group objects
CTRL+A Select all objects on the page — if your cursor is not in text in a text box or AutoShape. If your cursor is in a text box and you press these keystrokes. this selects all the text that is in a story — even if the story flows to additional text boxes.
CTRL+SHIFT+G Group selected objects. or ungroup grouped objects.
ESC Clears the selection from text — if text is selected — but the object that contains the text remains selected.
ESC Clears the selection from an object — if an object is selected.
ESC Selects the object within the group — if that object contains text that is already selected.
Make an object transparent
CTRL+T Switch between making an object transparent or opaque (with a white fill).
Insert an object
CTRL+ENTER Insert a text box. line. connector. circle. or square that is selected on the Objects Toolbar or Insert menu. Alternatively. open a menu or dialog box that provides more options for inserting another type of object.
Select or insert pages
F5 or CTRL+G Display the Go To Page dialog box.
CTRL+SHIFT+N Insert a page or a two-page spread. If you are creating a newsletter. it opens the Insert publication type Pages dialog box. If you are creating a greeting card or program. a message displays asking if you want multiple pages automatically inserted.
CTRL+SHIFT+U Insert duplicate page after the selected page.
Move between pages
F5 or CTRL+G Display the Go To Page dialog box.
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Go to the next page.
CTRL+PAGE UP Go to the previous page.
CTRL+M Switch between the current page and the master page.
CTRL+M Switch between the current page and the master page.
Show or hide boundaries or guides
CTRL+SHIFT+O Turn Boundaries and Guides on or off.
CTRL+F7 Turn Horizontal Baseline Guides on or off. This keyboard shortcut is not available in Web view.
CTRL+SHIFT+F7 Turn Vertical Baseline Guides on or off (East Asian languages only). This keyboard shortcut is not available in Web view.
Use Print Preview
F9 Switch between the current view and the actual size.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW Scroll up or down.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW Scroll left or right.
PAGE UP or CTRL+UP ARROW Scroll up in large increments.
PAGE DOWN or CTRL+DOWN ARROW Scroll down in large increments.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Scroll left in large increments.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Scroll right in large increments.
HOME Scroll to the upper left corner of the page.
END Scroll to the lower right corner of the page.
F5 or CTRL+G Display the Go To Page dialog box.
CTRL+PAGE UP Go to the previous page.
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Go to the next page.
CTRL+F6 Go to the next window if you have multiple publications open on your desktop.
CTRL+P Exit Print Preview and display the Print dialog box.
ESC Exit Print Preview.
Print a publication
CTRL+P Open the Print dialog box.
Insert hyperlinks and preview Web pages
CTRL+K Display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Your cursor must first be in a text box.
CTRL+SHIFT+B Preview your Web page in an instance of your browser .
Send e-mail
ALT+S Send the current page or publication.
CTRL+SHIFT+B Open the Address Book when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
ALT+K Open the Design Checker when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
CTRL+K Check the names on the To. Cc. and Bcc lines against the Address Book when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
ALT+. (period) Open the Address Book with the To field selected when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
ALT+C Open the Address Book with the Cc field selected when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
ALT+B Open the Address Book with the Bcc field selected when the cursor is in the e-mail message header and the Bcc field is visible.
ALT+J Go to the Subject field.
ALT+P Open the Microsoft Office Outlook Message Options dialog box.
CTRL+SHIFT+G Open the Custom dialog box to create an e-mail message flag when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
TAB Move the cursor to the next field in the e-mail message header when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
SHIFT+TAB Move the cursor to the previous field in the e-mail message header.
CTRL+TAB Alternate between the insertion point in the e-mail message header and the Send button in the Mailing toolbar.
Press To do this
CTRL+SHIFT+B Open the Address Book when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
ALT+. (period) Open the Address Book with the To field selected when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
ALT+C Open the Address Book with the Cc field selected when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
ALT+B Open the Address Book with the Bcc field selected when the cursor is in the e-mail message header and the Bcc field is visible. This keyboard shortcut only works if there is a name in the Bcc field.
ALT+J Go to the Subject field.
CTRL+SHIFT+G Open the Custom dialog box to create an e-mail message flag when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
TAB Move the cursor to the next field in the e-mail message header when the cursor is in the e-mail message header.
SHIFT+TAB Move the cursor to the previous field in the e-mail message header.
Work with macros
ALT+F8 Display the Macros dialog box.
Work with Visual Basic
ALT+F11 Display the Visual Basic editor.

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